Monday 23 March 2015

A Note to Rasher!!




Jabba Jabba Jembe!!

A selection of drums used in our workshops

Thursday we had a drumming workshop with JabbaJabbaJembe. It was really good.

We started by learning the two basic sounds, each drums bass and tenor.
Then he thought us some tribal songs. The man who ran it actually lived in Africa for 2 years learning how to play these drums by the natives.

 He also showed us that Africa is more than it's stereo typical poor land, its a country full of culture.  

The Kpanlogo (source)

The Jembe Drum. (source)

Friday 13 March 2015

Hockey Final

On Monday 9th, we went to support the hockey Junior girls in their Final. It was a good game, even though they lost with a final score of 3-1. A good trip out with a good atmosphere.

Hard Luck Girls.